Day :
- Regenerative Medicine | Bio Materials | Scaffolds | Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine | Bio Medicine Cell and Gene Therapy
Location: Paris
Session Introduction
Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN), France
Title: Synergistic ef ect of human Bone Morphogenic Protein-2 and Mesenchymal Stromal Cells on chronic wounds through hypoxiainducible factor-1 α induction

For 25 years, he has been developing gene and cell therapy using non-human primates, immune-tolerant mice and rats to protect against the side effects of radiation. He collaborates with clinicians to develop strategies for treatment of patients after radiotherapy overexposures. He has participated in the first establishment of proof of concept of the therapeutic efficacy of Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for the treatment of hematopoietic deficit, radiodermatitis and over dosages of radiotherapy. He has contributed to the first reported correction of deficient hematopoiesis in patients (graft failure and aplastic anemia) thanks to intravenous injection of MSCs restoring the bone marrow microenvironment, mandatory to sustain hematopoiesis after total body irradiation. He is scientific investigator of Clinical phase II trial evaluating the efficacy of systemic MSC injections for the treatment of severe and chronic radiotherapy-induced abdomino-pelvic complications refractory to standard therapy (NCT02814864, Hirsch Index 27)
Chronic skin ulcers and burns require advanced treatments. Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSCs) are effective in treating these pathologies. Bone Morphogenic Protein-2 (BMP-2) is known to enhance angiogenesis. We investigated whether recombinant human hBMP-2 potentiates the efect of MSCs on wound healing. Severe ulceration was induced in rats by irradiation and treated by co-infusion of MSCs with hBMP-2 into the ulcerated area which accelerated wound healing. Potentiation of the efect of MSCs by hBMP-2 on endothelial repair improved skin healing. HBMP-2 and MSCs synergistically, in a supra additive or enhanced manner, renewed tissue structures, resulting in normalization of the epidermis, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, collagen fibre density, and blood vessels. Co-localization of MSCs with CD31 + cells suggests recruitment of endothelial cells at the site of injection. HBMP-2 and MSCs enhanced angiogenesis and induced micro-vessel formation in the dermis where hair follicles were regenerated. HBMP-2 acts by causing hypoxia-inducible factor-1 α (HIF-1α) expression which impacts endothelial tube formation and skin repair. This efect is abolished by siRNA. These results propose that new strategies adding cytokines to MSCs should be evaluated for treating radiationinduced dermatitis, burns, and chronic ulcers in humans.
Niyou Wang
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Title: Cytotoxicity of titanium and magnesium particles to human osteoblast cells

Niyou is currently a Ph.D. candidate and research engineer at the National University of Singapore. He is working on a collaboration project between Mechanical Engineering and Anatomy. He has a rich mechanical background, strong biological knowledge, and hands-on experience. He has published one paper in Materials Science and Engineering C, and two papers are currently under review.
Metal particles or debris can be generated by wear and tear from bone implants. Reports mentioned that debris can circulate in blood and trigger inflammation, aseptic loosening, and other complications. The mechanism of these phenomena remains unclear. This research is to investigate the toxicity of titanium and magnesium in bone implants due to these two are the most commonly used biomaterials based on excellent biocompatibility, low elastic modulus, and good mechanical strength.
During the cytotoxicity test, the metal particles were added to the petri dish. Ti particles showed toxic to osteoblast at different dosages and time, while Mg particles can reduce the Ti induced metal toxicity to the cells and boost cell proliferation. Mg particles can be toxic to osteoblast at a higher dosage as well. To better understand this phenomenon, human osteoblast cell line SAOS2 were exposed to different concentration of Ti/Mg/Ti-Mg particles. Cell proliferation was measured at 48/72/120 hours. The flow cytometry analysis results showed that Ti induced cell toxicity was through an increase in Reactive Oxygen Species production and induced cell apoptosis and necrosis. Fluorescence microscopy was implemented to observe the cell damage in mitochondria. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis for relative mRNA expression of SAOS2 cells was studied to understand the process better.
Through this study, a proper protocol was established to measure the cytotoxicity of metal particles. However, how to quantify the debris from wear and tear inside the human body, and the comprehensive mechanism of cellular interaction among particles, cells, and tissues require further investigation.
Resmi Raju
Tokushima University School of Dentistry, Japan
Title: Multistage Layered Complex Cell Sheet to Regenerate Periodontal Tissue in a Mice Model

Resmi Raju has completed his BDS and MDS from SRM University, India and currently in the final year of PhD from Tokushima University, Japan. She was a Gold medallist in MDS from SRM University in 2013, She had won various awards such as Dr Udaya Raghav Reddy Memorial award for the Best outgoing student in MDS 2013, Oral science award 2019, Yound researcher award and Hosoi Kazuo award 2019 from Tokushima University. She is an Otsuka Toshimi Scholarship Scholar from 2018 April to 2020 March. Resmi Raju has published around 5 articles in reputed journal during PhD studies.
Periodontal disease can affect up to 90% of worldwide population and is the most common cause of tooth loss in adults. Periodontal tissue regeneration requires simultaneous regeneration of 3 different tissues: cementum, periodontal ligament (PDL) and alveolar bone. Tissue-engineering strategies based on mesenchymal stem cells and cell sheets have been widely used for periodontal tissue regeneration. However, the use of a single type of cell cannot reliably regenerate periodontal tissue, a complex structure containing both soft and hard tissues. Monolayer cell sheet applied to larger defects can result in incomplete regeneration of the affected area. Here, we developed a new periodontal tissue regeneration technique using cell sheet engineering. We used osteoblast like and PDL cells to fabricate two single cell sheets consists of either of these cells and a complex cell sheet contains both types of cells in the same cell sheet by layering PDL cells over osteoblast like cells. Following 4 weeks of ectopic and 8 weeks of orthotopic transplantation in immunocompromised mice, we analyzed the transplants using histology, micro-CT and immunohistochemistry. Here we found that complex cell sheet has higher capacity to regenerate the periodontal tissue composed of PDL and bone like tissues in its natural form compared to control and single cell sheets. Layering two different cells in a single temperature responsive culture well can maintain the position of cells, thereby it can maintain the shape of tissues to be regenerated and it might have contributed to the regeneration of periodontal tissue similar to its natural anatomy.
Kalyani Karnam
BITS Pilani Hyderabad campus, India
Title: Novel role of HDAC6 in a mouse model of impaired diabetic wounds

Kalyani Karnam is pursuing her PhD degree in 4th year from BITS Pilani hyderabad campus in pharmacology. She has done her postgraduation from NIPER guwahati in pharmacology. Se has published 2papers in reputed journals and 3of her publications are under communication in the field of diabetic wounds.She was availed with JRF fellowship from DST-SERB and achieved SRF fellowship from CSIR(Government of India)
We show for the first time that sustained activity of histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) in wounds of diabetic mice contributes to delayed wound healing. Topical application of HDAC6 inhibitor; Tubastatin A (TSA) gel promoted the wound healing in diabetic mice compared to blank gel treated mice. TSA topical application reduced the infiltrating neutrophils, macrophages and T cells in the early phase of wounds. Similarly TSA topical application promoted the wound healing by inducing collagen deposition, angiogenesis, re-epithelization and fibrotic factors in the late stages of diabetic wounds. Protein analysis of the diabetic wounds treated with TSA showed increased acetylation of α-tubulin with no effect on the expression of pro-IL1β, pro-caspase-1 and active caspase-1 indicating no influence of TSA treatment on inflammasome activation. Macrophages are crucial for sustained inflammation activation; hence we have explored the effect of TSA on inflammatory factors (IL-1β and IL-10) expression using raw 264.7 cells. Macrophages exhibited upregulation of HDAC6, IL-1β and down regulation of IL-10 upon stimulation with high glucose and LPS. Selective inhibition of HDAC6 with TSA inhibited the IL-1β and promoted IL-10. Detailed probing to determine the effect on IL-1β resulted that TSA inhibit IL-1β release by inhibiting exocytosis while not showing any effect on its maturation. Similarly, inhibition of HDAC6 in macrophages stimulated with high glucose and LPS promoted the acetylation of tubulin. For further confirmation we have used nocodazole (known acetylation inhibitor) and found that nocodazole reversed the tubulin acetylation in high glucose conditions. Our findings indicate that sustained HDAC6 expression in diabetic wounds contributes to impaired early healing responses and HDAC6 may represent a new therapeutic target for diabetic wounds.
Khalil El Mabrouk
Euromed University of Fes, Eco- Campus, Morocco
Title: 3D printing of metallic framework coated with a bioglass matrix for implant applications

PhD in Chemical Engineering on 2005 at Laval University-Canada; Postdoctoral in both Queen’s University-Canada and in Dow Chemical New Jersey-USA for more than one year. 2008-2013 Research Director in Moroccan Foundation for advanced Science Innovation and Research and in the meantime, Director of Technology Platform. Since 2013 Full Professor at Euromed University of Fes-Morocco.
In a new approach combining Additive Manufacturing with Bioceramics, a metallic 3D porous structure coated with bioactive glass was produced for possible use in orthopedic implants. This approach aims to combine high mechanical properties of the metallic structure (stress shielding) with enhanced biological activity. 316L stainless steel (316L-SS) lattice structures, based on rhombic dodecahedron unit cell with a relative density of 20%, were designed and fabricated using Selective Laser Melting (SLM). Despite its good mechanical properties, 316L-SS (as many other metals) lacks the biofunctionality required to achieve long-term implantation. To be successfully used as biomaterial, these porous 3D lattice structures were thus coated by 58S bioglass through a simple impregnation method. The use of a silica layer was evaluated as possible pretreatment to improve bioglass adhesion. The coated parts are then assessed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) to qualify the coating. Porous sample parts pretreated with a silica layer presented a denser coating structure when compared with untreated porous metallic structures. In the following round of characterization, parts were immersed in a simulated body fluid to study their ability to grow new bone tissue. Results show the formation of a uniform apatite layer after seven days of immersion, showing the bioregeneration capability. This, combined with the lightweight framework structure provided by 316-SS, will increase the lifetime of this new generation of orthopedic implants.
Mahshid Fallahpour
Iran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Title: Development of a New Solid Phase for Simultaneous Detection of Antibodies in Human Serum

To develop a two-antigenic ELISA for combined screening for HIV-1 and HCV. High rate of HCV/HIV co-infection rate have become a global concern in recent years. Likewise, in Iran due to Injection Drug Use (IDU), the dominant transmission pattern, this rate is increasingly on the rise standing at approximately 70 percent. To reduce screening costs, an ELISA with a new solid phase system for simultaneous detection of HCV and HIV-1 infections was explored. Study Design and Methods: Sera samples from patients infected with HIV-1, HCV, and negative controls were tested. In the new ELISA, wells were primarily coated with Streptavidin overnight followed by blocking with bovine serum albumin. Then biotinylated gp 41 (HIV-1 antigens) and recombinant core and NS4 antigens (HCV antigens) were added to wells either separately or simultaneously. Then, the alkaline phosphatase (AP)-conjugated anti-human IgG secondary antibodies and para-nitro phenyl phosphate (pNPP) substrates were added to wells followed by reading ODs at 450 nm. Results: Both single and combined assays showed high diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of about 99 percent and 97 percent respectively. Conclusions: Due to differences in physicochemical properties, antigens require various coating conditions. However, by using this method, multi antigens could be coated on a well surface to obtain an efficient, inexpensive and accurate detection.
Daneshi Sajad
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Title: Decellularized liver transplant could be recellularized in rat partial hepatectomy model

In situ recellularization of the liver decellularized scaffold is a potential therapeutic alternative for liver transplantation. We aimed to develop an in situ procedure for recellularization of the rat liver using sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES) compared with Triton X-100/SDS. Rat liver specimens were rinsed with PBS, decellularized with either Triton X-100/SDS or SLES, and finally rinsed by distilled water. The efficiency of decellularized liver scaffolds was evaluated by histological, confocal Raman microscopy, histochemical staining and DNA quantification assessments. Finally, in vivo studies were done to assess the biocompatibility of the liver scaffold by serum biochemical parameters and the recellularization capacity by histological and immunohistochemistry staining. Findings confirmed the preservation of extracellular matrix (ECM) components such as reticular, collagen, glycosaminoglycans and neutral carbohydrates in both Triton X-100/SDS- and SLES-treated livers. Hoechst, feulgen, Haematoxylin and eosin and DNA quantification assessments confirmed complete genetic content removal. The serological parameters showed no adverse impact on the liver functions. Transplantation of SLES-treated cell-free decellularized liver showed extensive neovascularization along with migration of the fibrocytes and adipocytes and some immune cells. Also, immunohistochemical staining showed that the oval cells, stellate cells, cholangiocytes and hepatocytes invaded extensively into the graft. It is concluded that SLES can be considered as a promising alternative in the liver decellularization process, and the transplanted decellularized liver can appropriately be revascularized and regenerated.
Sana Javaid Awan
The University of Lahore, Pakistan.
Title: Wharton’s Jelly Stromal Cells treated with diseased liver serum enhance angiogenesis and reduced apoptosis

I have completed my PhD at the age of 30 years from University of the Punjab, Pakistan. I have years of lab experience and used many available techniques during my Ph.D. and applied them since 2007. I have joined The University of Lahore as an assistant professor in 2013. During the last 6 years of teaching at University of Lahore, I have supervised 26 M.Phils. 40 BS, 5 Masters and 5 PhD Student who have completed their research or are in the process of completion.
Liver fibrosis is the excessive accumulation of ECM that destroys the hepatic architecture by making fibrotic scars or wounds in liver. In response to fibrosis different cytokines and growth factors can direct the migration of bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (BMSCs) towards wounded liver that could heal the scar of liver. Wharton's jelly (WJ) is a well-known source of stromal cells (SCs). A huge amount of stromal cells can be isolated from umbilical cord’s Wharton's jelly (MJSCs). This study uses the concept of cell migration under the influence of serum derived factors to be used for regeneration. Thus, in the present study, different concentrations of blood serum from liver fibrosis patients (injured serum) and normal subjects (normal serum) was used for the preconditioning of 2nd passage WJSCs to explore their potential for the wound healing via improved angiogenesis, anti-oxidative enzymes and reduced injury. Results indicate improved survival and wound healing ability of the 5% serum treated WJSCs. 5% serum treatment have also shown increased angiogenesis and reduced H2O2 injury levels as evidenced by gene expression analysis. Therefore, this study would aid healing of wound via improved angiogenesis and reduced injury levels investigated in in-vitro studies.

Dr. Mironov studied Medicine at the Ivanovo Sate Medical University, Ivanovo, Russia and graduated as MD in 1977. He received his PhD degree in Developmental Biology 1980 at the Moscow Pirogov State Medical Institute in 1980. After that he worked at different position in Germany, USA and Brazil. Last 5 years he serves as Chief Scientific Officer of private bioprinting company 3D Bioprinting Solutions, Moscow, Russia. He bioprinted world first functional vascularized mouse organ – mouse thyroid gland in 2015 and bioprinted a first 3D tissue (human cartilage) in Space at the International Space Station in December of 2018.
3D bioprinting is a robotic biofabrication of 3D tissues and organs from living cells and biomaterials according to digital model. During last decade the impressive advances have been made in this promising technology and now 3D bioprinting is one of the leading front of biomedical and biotechnological research. In this presentation I will outline and analyze new emerging trends in the development of 3D bioprinting technology. The special attention will be devoted to the recent development of 3D bioprinting in Space. The advantages and disadvantages of emerging bioprinting technologies will be analyzed and their impact on the advancing of 3D bioprinting will be discussed.
Mit Bhavsar
University Hospital Frankfurt, Germany
Title: Role of Bioelectricity in the Regeneration

Dr. Mit B. Bhavsar (Male) received his M.Sc. (Biomedical engineering) and Ph.D. (Neurophysiology) degrees from the Universities of Aachen and Gottingen, Germany, in 2011 and 2016, respectively. His Ph.D. studies focused on stimulating brain neurons using EStim pulses to generate motor responses in small insects. In 2017, Dr. Bhavsar joined the department of Experimental Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery at GUF, as a postdoctoral fellow, where his research focuses on developing EStim based medical treatments. Specifically he uses in vitro and in-vivo model systems to study the effects of EStim on osteogenesis and bone healing. He has published his research in high impact scientific journals and has participated in several international conferences.
Endogenous electrical signals play an instructive role in many cellular behaviors, including development, wound healing, Cancer progression, and tissue regeneration. Specifically, during tissue regeneration, two events during which stem cells actively proliferate and differentiate, endogenous electrical signals (like membrane potential (Vmem)) plays an important role. Membrane potential (Vmem) refers to the voltage difference across a cell’s bilayer membrane that is established by the balance of intracellular and extracellular ionic concentrations. Although maintenance of ionic homeostasis is a critical feature of cell viability and metabolism, a clear relationship has been suggested between the Vmem levels and the cell functions like proliferation and differentiation. The Vmem across the membrane of cells that are in high proliferative states (embryonic, adult stem cells, cancer cells, etc.) have been shown to trend towards being more positive and are depolarized, while the Vmem of cells that are in low proliferative states (neurons, fibroblasts, skeletal muscle cells, fat cells, etc.) are more negative or hyperpolarized. Several authors have shown a correlated change in Vmem with either initiation or cessation of growth.
While considerable modern work underscores the link between Vmem and the cell cycle, this fascinating bioelectric control mechanism is still not well known in the field of regenerative medicine. Here, in this study we investigate how the membrane potential (Vmem) establish itself in different proliferative (e.g. Cancer cells, Mesenchymal stem cells) and non-proliferative cells (e.g. fibroblasts) to verify the differences in the level of Vmem. Changes in Vmem are investigated using membrane voltage sensitive fluorescence dye DiBAC4 in synchronized seeded populations in culture with increase in time, density, and cell contact. In addition to that, we also investigate the role of Vmem in these cells in controlling the regeneration related events (Cell proliferation and differentiation) by pharmacological blockade of ion channels, to find out if this mechanism is an attractive target for the modulation in regenerative medicine.
Hazem Sawalha
Arab American University, Palestine
Title: Using phytomedicine for controlling human bacterial diseases in Palestinian territories

Hazem Sawalha completed his Ph.D. & M.SC in Microbiology/Virology from University of Jordan. After that he worked as Part time lecturer in Al-Quds Open University, Palestine & at present he is working as a Full Professor in Department of Biology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences from Arab American University of Jenin.
Phytomedicine which is known also as the herbal medicine uses various plant materials in preventive, therapeutic processes and healing properties. Such medicine has been practiced worldwide since the ancient times for the prevention and treatment of the diseases. An experiment to study the antibacterial activity of crude saps of some plants against test bacteria that are causative agents of human diseases was carried out at the microbiology laboratory of the Arab American University of Palestine. Evaluation was done by measuring the width of the zones of bacterial growth inhibition using agar disk-diffusion. The best antimicrobial action was achieved by Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Allium sativum, Ceratonia siliqua and Amygdalus communis compared with the other tested plants. E. camaldulensis and A. sativum and their mixtures were the strongest plants with antibacterial agents among the four plants against all types of the test bacteria.Crude saps of A. sativum and the mixture of such sap with C. siliqua revealed strong growth inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus whereas, Micrococcus luteus was strongly inhibited by E.camaldulensis, A. sativum, and C. siliqua, and their mixtures. Saps of A. communis, A. sativum, and E. camaldulensis as well as the mixture of A. sativum and E. camaldulensis were effective antibacterial agents against Escherichi. coli. Significant growth inhibition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was achieved by crude saps of both E. camaldulensis and A. sativum, whereas, the growth of both Bacillus subtilis and Proteus vulgaris were strongly hampered by the A. sativum. Regarding the Klebsiella pneumoniae, it was inhibited intermediately by most plant saps except the A. communis.
Brossard C
Institute of Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety, France
Title: Cellular therapy treatment of chronic radiation cystitis in rats

I started my PhD in 2019 in Radiobiology of Medical Exposure Laboratory (LRMed) of the Institute of Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety. I hold a Master 2 degree in tissues, cells and genes biotherapies obtained in 2018 at the University of Paris Saclay. My doctorate is in line with my M2 internship, which aims to create a pre-clinical model of chronic radiocystitis and to provide an innovative therapeutic method using mesenchymal stem cells.
Introduction: Chronic radiocystitis (CRC) is a consecutive pathology of pelvic irradiation. It is characterized by chronic inflammation sometimes progressing to fibrosis with symptoms such as pain and bleeding. There is no effective treatment and we propose to test mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as a new therapeutic method. Our previous studies on radiation rectitis have shown that MSCs can reverse chronic inflammation and fibrosis after irradiation.
Material and methods: Preclinical modelling of CRC in rats was implemented by localized irradiation guided by scanner imaging of the bladder from 20 to 40 Gray with a follow-up of 3 to 6 months post-irradiation. Gene and protein expression analyses as well as histological and functional parameters are carried out.
Results and Statistical Analysis: The analysis of urinary parameters revealed transient hematuria but no decrease in urinary volume over the 6 months. Transcriptomic analysis indicates a profile of chronic inflammation (IL1β, CCL2, IL6) and hypoxia (HIF1α) at 6 months. Histological observations reveal a disorganization of urothelium at 6 months, with a decrease in its thickness and vascular lesions, which is consistent with gene expression results.
Conclusion: These initial results attest to the relevance of the study by showing an initiation of CRC at 6 months with chronic inflammation, signs of hypoxia, hematuria and urothelium disorganization. The analysis of kinetics over later times will make it possible to characterize the evolution towards fibrosis and to have an established CRC. In a second step we will set up the treatment of this pathology by cell therapy.